Sunday 12 August 2012

Feminizing the man's world.

It's a man's world, they say. But then, since it's a jonzing world, we may as well swap roles and do things the way we know how to. For once, let's do this our own way: Instead of Bachelor of Arts (B.A), we'll have Spinster of Arts (S.A); will no longer stand for Master of Science, rather, it'll mean Mistress of Science. Our MCs will no longer be known as Master of Ceremonies, instead our comperes will be called Mama of Ceremonies. We'll rewrite history and instead of Eve giving Adam the forbidden fruit to eat, it'll be Adam cajoling Eve with sweet words (guys you know how you do your thing now *wink*) convincing her to have a taste. Our women will be head of states, and our men, first men. At national conferences, we'll occupy the first row and block others' view with our headgear. When mishaps happen, we'll cry smearing our make up. In the church, we'll be the pope prophesying with our bulging tummies at the altar. We'll breastfeed while signing bills into laws. We'll annul polygamy and philandering will bring about severe punishment. We'll write the wills and pay the bills. In short, we'll run the show! But then, you know we love you guys, having your support and care, we let you wear the trousers and regard you as our crown. Respect and love us, give us equal representation where it matters, that's all we ask. I Rise. Vique.

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